World best . esteal work company

 It seems like there might be a typo or a misunderstanding in your question. If you’re looking for information about the world’s best steelwork or steel manufacturing companies, I can provide information based on my knowledge up to January 2022. However, please note that rankings and assessments can change over time. As of my last update, some of the leading steel companies globally include:

1. **ArcelorMittal** – Luxembourg/India

2. **Nippon Steel Corporation** – Japan

3. **Baosteel Group** – China

4. **POSCO** – South Korea

5. **Hesteel Group** – China

6. **JFE Holdings, Inc.** – Japan

7. **Tata Steel** – India

8. **ThyssenKrupp AG** – Germany

9. **Voestalpine AG** – Austria

10. **Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)** – India

To get the most accurate and current information, I recommend checking recent industry reports, financial news, or specialized publications focusing on the steel industry. Additionally, specific rankings might vary depending on the criteria used, such as production capacity, revenue, or technological advancements.

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